Know Your High

A drug awareness campaign from your Students' Union


Know Your High is an initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the realities of drug use and providing essential resources for students. Our goal is to promote informed decision-making by offering facts, guidance, and support to help you navigate the complex issues surrounding illegal substances.

Through Know Your High, we aim to spark open, honest conversations about the impact drugs can have on physical health, mental wellbeing and academic performance. Whether you’re curious, concerned, or just want to learn more, we’re here to share reliable information and direct you to the help and support you need.

We believe that education and awareness are key to empowering students to make safer choices. Join us as we break the stigma and encourage a safer, healthier university experience for everyone.

Explore our resources, stay informed, and Know Your High — because understanding the risks is the first step to making better choices.



Substance Misuse Resources

Safer Drug Use Resources

Frank: Honest information about drugs

Frank: Drugs A-Z


Naloxone is a life-saving drug used as an antidote for opioid overdoses such as heroin, fentanyl or methadone. It works by forcing the opioids off receptors in the brain, which reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. Naloxone is short-acting, meaning its effects will start to wear off after a short time (usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes) and a person can enter back in to an overdose state. It is vital that an ambulance is called if you suspect someone has overdosed, even if you have administered naloxone as they will need further care.

DAN 24/7 is offers a free click and deliver service of Naloxone in Wales.

Naloxone will not reverse overdose resulting from non-opioid drugs, like cocaine, benzodiazepines or alcohol.

The Sports Refreshers' Fair took place on the 18th November and acted as the official launch of the campaign. Free cupcakes were handed out to students, and we were able to explain the purpose of the campaign and answer any questions.




Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132