How We Are Governed

The Union is governed by our constitution. It is a legally binding document, which lays down the rules of the Union and how we must work. It ensures that we are always listening to your voice, fighting for your rights, representing your beliefs and providing you with the best education and experience possible.

You can check our our consititution here and our bye-laws here

Our code of practice with the University can be found here.

Members Code of Conduct

All students at Wrexham Glyndwr are automatically members of the Students’ Union. As is usual for membership organisations, we have a code of conduct for the appropriate manner in which we expect our members to conduct themselves, the Members Code of Conduct can be found here.

Complaints Procedure

We hope you have the best possible time interacting with us, but we do know that from time to time, we might make a mistake. If you feel you would like to complain about any aspect of the service or facilities provided by the Students’ Union, please download this form and follow the procedure within it. Please note, this is not the procedure to make a complaint about the University.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees are responsible for the strategic and financial wellbeing of the Students' Union. Specifically, the Board have a duty to ensure:

1.      That everything we do benefits the students at Wrexham Glyndwr. As well as monitoring what the SU is doing now, the Trustees are responsible for ensuring that we will continue to benefit future generations of Wrexham Glyndwr students.

2.      That the SU remains financially solvent. If the SU is to carry on benefitting students, it must have the money both in the short and long term to do this. For example, the Trustees have to approve all significant items of spend and the annual budget.

3.      That the SU doesn't break any laws or regulations relating to the work that we carry out.

The Trustees meet 4 times per year. Their discussions and decisions taken on your behalf are minuted, and once approved, are published below. Our first meeting is in September 2016 and the minutes will be published once approved at the November 2016 meeting.

Click here to find out more about the Board of Trustees and view the Board minutes

Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132