Beth yw’r Etholiadau?
Cynhelir etholiadau Undeb y Myfyrwyr bob blwyddyn tua mis Mawrth. Dyma pryd y caiff y Llywydd, yr Is-lwydd a holl swyddogion Cyngor y Myfyrwyr eu hethol. Os ydych yn fyfyriwr ym Mhrifysgol Wrecsam, gallwch enwebu eich hun i sefyll yn yr etholiadau. Mae swyddi y Llywdd ac yr Is-lywydd yn llawn amser felly ni caiff astudio tra’n gweithio yn y rolau hyn. Mae’r swyddi eraill yn gwirddfoddol ac yn rhan amser wrth ochre ich astudiaethau. Ni does angen unrhyw brofiad, gan fod hyfforddiant/Cefnogaeth barhaus i’r ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus ar gael. Cynhelir yr Is-etholiadau yn flynyddol ym mis Hydref i lenwi swyddi gwag ac i ethol Cynadleddwyr UCM. Mae’r swyddi yn rhedeg o 1af o Orffennaf tan 30eg o Mehefin, oni bai eich bod yn rhedeg yn yr Is-etholiadau, ac os felly byddwch yn cychwyn eich rôl o’r diwrnod y cewch eich ethol. Mae popeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod yn y canllaw swyddogol isod, gan gynnwys linciau am fwy o wybodaeth am Cynhadleddau UCM ac am Cyngor y Myfyrwyr.
Gwybodaeth am Cynhadleddau UCM
What are the Elections?
The Students' Union elections take place every year around the month of March. This is when the President, Vice President and all part-time officers for Student Council are elected. If you are a student at Wrexham University, you can stand for election. No experience necessary and full training/ongoing support will be given to the successful candidates. There is a by-election annually in October to fill vacant positions and to elect NUS Conference Delegates. The President and Vice President positions are paid and full-time and all other positions are part-time voluntary and you undertake the part-time positions whilst you are studying. If you want to run for President or Vice President, you can either run for position whilst in your final year or you can defer a year. Positions run from July 1st until 30th June unless you are running in the by-elections, in which case you will start your role from the day you are elected. Everything you need to know about the elections can be found in the official guide below including more information about NUS conferences and Student Council.
About NUS Delegates
NUS Delegates represent our SU at a national level. This is an amazing opportunity to influence the national student movement by voting on motions at national conferences as well as electing NUS Officers who work full time, campaigning on the issues that you’ll vote on at conference. These events are a good way to get to know more about NUS and how you can get involved in and shape their work. Elected delegates receive free transport and accommodation and are supported throughout the conferences by the SU President. You must be available to attend conference in the spring of 2025 (dates for 2025 tbc).
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