Vice President - Freya Groom

Hi, I’m Freya your Vice President of Wrexham Students’ Union!

I was elected for this role by students, and my role as Vice President is to ensure that students’ voices are heard. I sit on many committees to ensure the best decisions are being made regarding students and throughout my year in office, I have manifesto points I will work to achieve.

These points include more opportunities for societies and sports teams, proper use of study spaces, increased support for international students and home students, improved internet services and a mentorship scheme connecting students with alumni. When I am not working on my manifesto points you will probably find me reading a book, listening to a podcast or at a car boot sale!

Please do not hesitate to contact me at or on Instagram @freya_wrexhamsuvicepres.

Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132