Student role: Sports

What is the role?


The Students’ Union has a range of competitive sports teams who compete annually against other regional universities. Roles available within sports teams include general membership (player) and committee membership (Captain, Vice-Captain, Social Secretary, Events Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator and more!). 


What is expected within the role? 


Expectations vary based on roles but, as a member of a team you are expected to attend weekly training sessions, as well as competitive fixtures which are played nearly every Wednesday throughout the academic year. You are also expected to uphold the reputation of the SU and University by displaying professionalism, sportsmanship, commitment, inclusivity, and camaraderie in all team activity.


Captains and Vice-Captains are expected to lead their teams, liaise with Student Opportunities staff, and complete necessary paperwork/digital checklists on a near weekly basis (e.g. submitting the following: team sheets for fixtures, fixture results, training attendance forms, injury reports, and kit/equipment request forms as and when needed, etc).


We also ask for 2 members from each team to attend our Annual Members Meeting, usually held in the SU in January/February. You are also expected to attend your team’s Annual General Meeting in March and any Emergency General Meetings which may be called for the team throughout the academic year.


What are the benefits? 


Benefits of being involved in sports include maintaining/improving your physical and mental wellbeing, broadening your social circle, expanding your comfort zone, and learning new skills (or even a new sport altogether!). We also offer developmental opportunities to sports members like first aid training, officiating qualifications, coaching courses and more!


Your annual team membership is a great value (one of the lowest in the UK) and covers:


  • Playing Kit
  • Equipment
  • Facilities
  • Player Insurance
  • Transport
  • Coaching Staff
  • Referee Payment
  • BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sport) Affiliation
  • NGB Affiliations
  • Individual and Team Entry Fees
  • Committee roles are not paid but do offer unique opportunities to develop transferable skills which you can take with you into your personal, professional, and academic life! Many team members also graduate having made life-long friends from participating in sports here at Wrexham University. 


What training will be provided within this role?


Committee members will be trained for their roles at the beginning of each new academic year, or whenever they come into their role. This training is delivered by the Student Opportunities Coordinator and will cover things such as how to navigate the digital platforms used for competitions, reporting injuries, and other expectations of the SU.


Team training includes weekly sessions with the team to work on developing skills and abilities. Other opportunities are also available, including first aid, coaching, officiating, safeguarding, and more! Training offered through the SU is either free, subsidised, or reimbursed. Depending on your programme of study there could also be opportunities for work experience and/or volunteering hours with our teams.


Who is the main contact for this role?


Ariana Bradshaw, Student Opportunities Coordinator (Students’ Union):

Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132